misterpattern te presenta este patron de RainbowHappiness con el que aprenderás a hacer un Crochet PATTERN PDF paso a paso, de una manera facil y sencilla.
Se trata de un tutorial para hacer un precioso patron de play con explicaciones claras y detalladas y además se acompaña de diversas fotos que te guiarán durante la creación de tu labor.
Si te gustan las toys, no dudes en animarte a confeccionarlo ya que está pensado para que lo pueda hacer tanto un principiante como la más avanzada de las alumnas.
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Más patrones de RainbowHappiness
shamrock, patricks, plant, plants, clovers, clover, pattern, tutorial, crochet, amigurumi
toys, bean, vegetables, vegetable, food, fruit, fruits, potatoes, potato, strawberry, strawberries, carrots, carrot, eggplant, eggplants, pattern, crochet, amigurumi, tutorial
Puede que te interese
Crochet PATTERN PDF - Crochet Vegetable patterns / Crochet Product samples / Carrot pattern / Potato / Eggplant Pattern/ Play Food Vegetable This list is intended for three models of vegetable crochet ornament. Samples that you receive: - Carrot - Eggplant - Potatoes - Strawberry Make an unusual table center or natural toys for your children. The "miserly" version with a carrot is ideal for believing that Rudolph or the Easter rabbit came to visit! Vegetables are calculated for realism and approximately in full size. You can think of what color your product will be. But, of course, you can make a mini or mammoth, indistinct or shiny vegetables with different yarns and a suitable hook! Description of eggplant and potatoes does not include all the step by step photo knitting. And only a description, as well as a photo with samples. My finished products you can see here: https://www.etsy.com/ru/shop/RainbowHappiness?section_id=16393771 When you purchase this pattern, if you run into any problems while crocheting, you can always contact me and I will help you in any way that I can!