by Happy Patty Crochet
wedding, crochet, daisy, flowers, flower, happypattycrochet
by Moji Moji design
dragons, dragon, fantasy, amigurumi, crochet, pattern, mojimojidesign
by Engsidrun
shoes, girl, doll, dolls, toys, crochet, engsidrun
by Aradiya
amigurumi, crochet, plant, zombie, character, videogames, aradiya
by Multigurumi
thomas, train, cartoon, characters, character, movie, amigurumi, crochet, doll, multigurumi
by Crafty Tibbles
Gollum, the lord of the rings, character, amigurumi, craftytibbles
by Tiny Alchemy
batman, superhero, marvel, kids, comic, character, tinyalchemy
by Amiamour
pokemon, cubone, amigurumi, amiamour
bong, amigurumi, craftytibbles
by Amigurinos
snoopy, characters, character, peanuts, amigurumi, crochet, amigurinos
En misterpattern buscamos patrones a dos agujas y crochet para tus proyectos. Amigurumis, ropita para bebes, gorros, chaquetas, ositos, trapillo, patucos y todo tipo de accesorios para tejer.