misterpattern te presenta este patron de Happy Coridon con el que aprenderás a hacer un CROCHET PATTERN - Good Vibes wreath paso a paso, de una manera facil y sencilla.
Se trata de un tutorial para hacer un precioso patron de good con explicaciones claras y detalladas y además se acompaña de diversas fotos que te guiarán durante la creación de tu labor.
Si te gustan las wibes, no dudes en animarte a confeccionarlo ya que está pensado para que lo pueda hacer tanto un principiante como la más avanzada de las alumnas.
Pero si este no era el patron que estabas buscando, no pasa nada, estamos seguros que en misterpattern lo encontrarás. Solo tienes que seguir rastreando nuestra web.
No dudamos que lograrás crear un proyecto igual o incluso superar el original. ¡Anímate!
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Intermediate crochet tutorial pattern to create your Good Vibes wreath. ONLY US ENGLISH CROCHET TUTORIAL PATTERN in .PDF - NOT A FINISHED ITEM!!!! I don't know about you, but I think the whole world needs a good vibes this year. Viruses, asteroids, fires, grasshoppers... I don't know what's next, so I cross my fingers, close my eyes and send good vibrations around me! I used different materials for this crown. Get ready to shape a lot of metal wire. The Good Vibes wreath measures: ∅9,85'' / 25cm Skill level: intermediate (beginners warned!) Yarn: lace Crochet stitches: chain, slip stitch, single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet, treble crochet. Embroidery stitches: back stitch, crossed stitch, whipped stitch on loop This 13 pages crochet pattern contains: - a detailed description of each passage - drawings of the embroidery stitches - 53 pictures that help you in the creation - crochet chart of each piece - US English description of the stitches - my help via e-mail if you get stuck Material needed: mercerized cotton n.5 in colors: light orange, yellow, green (chartreuse, mint, lime, shamrock, emerald, leaf), azure, dark red, strawberry red, bubble gum pink, lilac, deep purple, black; steel hook 4 – 1,75mm scissors 1 wool needle fiberfill vinilic glue cutter pliers 40”/1m light metal wire ∅ 0.025”/0,6mm 80”/2m metal wire ∅ 0,062”/1,6mm ∅ 7,87”/20cm metal ring And now everyone go and prepare your good vibes wreath to arrive safe and sound at the end of the year! Remember to write a little review: I really appreciate :)